Friday, January 15, 2010

Where have you been...

hi folks, sorry I've been MIA for a while. The engagement and the holidays have gone by so fast. I figured I would give you a little update on what I've been getting planning.

I am very close to having a venue and date. If you know me well then you know I like to do my research. I've been getting my internet time in researching if we should do a destination wedding, elopping or home base style. There are so many options that my head was spinning for a while. At the end of the day the destination road, although would be cheap for us, would cost our guests a lot more and we would inevitable miss out on having ppl attend that we wanted to share the moment with. So Adam and I decided that an Atlanta wedding would be best.

Being in the industry Adam and I know lots of people that will be able to help us out with the process. We want to make the wedding a reflection of our not so traditional life styles. Some traditions must stay,,,like the something borrowed, something blue, something old, something new, I love that one.

So with all these decisions and research you can see what I've been doing. I'll be excited to finally nail down a date and place. after that the rest of the pieces will start to come together and before you know it, it's party time.

Quick shout out, our friends Driver (Christina) and Travis have been kind enough to organize a engagement celebration. We are very excited about it. Thanks guys, we love ya!!!

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